Sunday 29 May 2011


It was a little surprising topic for a tribute.  The city of Detroit.

The city that's having as tough a time of any in North America right now was the subject of a downtown London festival on May 28th.

"Even people in Detroit don't like Detroit," laughed a merchant at the nearby Covent Garden Market.  I guess there is some evidence that is true.  Michigan was the only U.S. state to lose population in the latest census.

  But, there is still something about the city of Detroit that many admire.  There is a spirit and honesty in the Motor City that other cities would do well to emulate.  Cities with more going for them.  If you are from the area you are used to all the criticisms.  Detroit residents are under no illusions they are beautiful to the rest of the world.  But there is something to admire in their self awareness.  If you know your weaknesses, there is always hope.

Salute to Detroit Day, May 28 in London.
"Pure Michigan" is the promotional slogan of the state with radio and TV commercials voiced by actor Tim Allen, a Michigan native.  The promotional push by Michigan has been helped by the recent value of the Canadian dollar.

The salute to Detroit day was part of an entire week of connecting with the Motor City.  Bob Seger and Kid Rock made appearances at the John Labatt Centre during the week.  The JLC also announced the Detroit Red Wings would play the Philadelphia Flyers in an NHL pre-season game in September.
The soulful sounds of Motown in London, May 28

Classic Chrysler 

Lions fan at Tribute to Detroit Day in London, May 28

Detroit has a lot to offer Londoners.  For some reason those who think nothing of driving two hours to Toronto for an attraction don't think of heading west.
Conversely, a 2006 Statistics Canada study shows visits to Ontario from U.S. tourists has steadily declined since 2002.

It might be a good idea for both Southern Ontario and Detroit to start appreciating each other.  Perhaps this weekend is a start.

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